by dharm_anki | Jan 31, 2022 | Blog
Food irradiation is essential if you are looking forward to increasing the food’s longevity. This process is an application of ionizing radiation to edible products. Using this process, the product’s safety is increased, and the shelf life of the food...
by dharm_anki | Dec 14, 2021 | Blog
Know the Interesting Fun Facts About Gamma Irradiation Gamma radiation sterilization, also called gamma irradiation, is a common form of radiation sterilization. It is popularly used across all industries, especially the medical and healthcare industry. Apart from...
by dharm_anki | Sep 16, 2021 | Blog
Board Of Radiation and Isotope Technology, Irradiation One of the three types of natural radioactivity is gamma radiation. Gamma rays, like X-rays, are electromagnetic radiation. Alpha and beta radiation are the other two kinds of natural radioactivity. With a...
by dharm_anki | Jul 29, 2021 | Blog
The use of sophisticated equipment in a radioactive environment necessitates an evaluation of radiation tolerance for all essential elements. Gamma irradiation facility must be carried out, ideally under realistic circumstances. Furthermore, the construction of new...
by dharm_anki | Apr 2, 2021 | Blog
Food irradiation is a process that gives similar results to personalization or freezing. In this process, the food is completely exposed to doses of ionizing energy or radiation. However at low doses irradiation will extend a product shelf life and at high levels, the...
by dharm_anki | Mar 18, 2021 | Blog
Have you heard before about food irradiation? If no, then let us tell you something about this. Irradiation is the method of exposing materials to radiation in order to accomplish serious technical goals including medical applications, gemstones, plastics, and...
by dharm_anki | Jan 29, 2021 | Blog
Irradiation is a complete no heat and ionic process that is widely used as a functional and reservation modification agent in polymer research and application. Irradiation treatment is considered as one of the fast convenient as well as extensive treatment methods...
by dharm_anki | Nov 26, 2020 | Blog
Irradiation carried out under Good Manufacturing Practice conditions is a practical, widely applicable form of food processing considered safe based on comprehensive evidence available that can minimize the risk of food poisoning, monitor the spoilage of food, and...
by dharm_anki | Nov 3, 2020 | Blog
Food irradiation is the process of eliminating microorganisms and insects from food. Irradiation uses ionizing radiation that is deemed safe by the food and drug administration. The radioactive doesn’t really compromise the taste or the nutritional value of the...
by dharm_anki | Mar 2, 2020 | Blog
Do you ever wonder about the safety of irradiated food? What is the exact meaning of irradiating food? Although it may not sound like something beneficial, it is beneficial to food. When food is subjected to ionizing or irradiation, the bacteria viruses and other tiny...