What are the advantages of irradiating food?

Food irradiation is essential if you are looking forward to increasing the food’s longevity. This process is an application of ionizing radiation to edible products. Using this process, the product’s safety is increased, and the shelf life of the food...

What Is Gamma Irradiation And What Are The Benefits

Board Of Radiation and Isotope Technology, Irradiation One of the three types of natural radioactivity is gamma radiation. Gamma rays, like X-rays, are electromagnetic radiation. Alpha and beta radiation are the other two kinds of natural radioactivity. With a...
How Food Irradiation Is Better For Health?

How Food Irradiation Is Better For Health?

Food irradiation is a process that gives similar results to personalization or freezing. In this process, the food is completely exposed to doses of ionizing energy or radiation. However at low doses irradiation will extend a product shelf life and at high levels, the...

Facebook Post- Using Nuclear Science in Food Irradiation

Have you heard before about food irradiation? If no, then let us tell you something about this. Irradiation is the method of exposing materials to radiation in order to accomplish serious technical goals including medical applications, gemstones, plastics, and...